Margaret is an animal wellness advisor and qualified Nutritional Therapist. She has 22 years experience in herbalism, nutritional therapy and naturopathy; specialising in dogs with chronic dis-ease. Margaret formulates her Pawsome dinners to the NRC guidelines during this exciting paradigm in canine nutrition which currently lacks regulation. Over 60 canine patients all over the world, leading happy lives.
NHFDip. (B.A., Hons, PGCE, M.A).
The Naturopathic Canine

The Naturopathic Canine specialises in Nutritional Therapy, Naturopathy (understanding nature and the environment), Herbalism and Energetic Healing to support canines with chronic dis-ease. Does your furry friend suffer with poor health?
Naturopathic Canine offers therapeutic diets with naturopathic and herbal support for: allergies, anxiety, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders (IBS/IBD), heart disease, immune disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, pancreatic disorders, skin complaints, thyroid issues, urinary issues, weight management, and many more!
Does it sound too good to be true? Many health conditions are nutritionally responsive. It is possible to live vitally when working in harmony with nature. Eating unnatural processed foods reduces vitality. Processed ingredients are unrecognisable to the body and can cause inflammation; molecules can slip through the gut lining and into the bloodstream causing immune reactions. Processed foods contain synthetic nutrients which are not as readily absorbed often leading to a poor nutrient profile. Many dogs live in artificial environments and have a high toxic load - the result is often a dehydrated, nutrient deficient, toxic body with pressurised organs.
Naturopathy and optimal nutrition have remarkable results. Why? We are made of food - proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of life. We are literally what we eat and excrete. Open channels of elimination mean less waste in the body and therefore less inflammation, a main cause of chronic dis-ease. Foods are used as a ‘prescription’ to supply the nutrients required to therapeutically create a change in the body; healing is effective as the changes happen at the root cause rather than isolating or suppressing the symptoms.
Sadly, Nutritional Therapy is often a last resort for clients. Their pet may have been on a roundabout of medications without improvement or their vet can do no more. In some cases owners wish to opt for quality of life or take a more natural approach. Our treatments definitely improve quality of life, reduce symptoms and in many cases, gain extra life against a terminal prognosis. We offer alternative strategies, working closely with veterinary guidance to make sure that your dog receives the best care and combined knowledge possible.
We aren't barking down our own bone but the work we do really is amazing (or should we say, the body is amazing). We look to identify all pathological root causes of dis-ease including: cellular dysfunction, genetic pre-disposition, nutrient deficiencies, environmental toxins, susceptibility and physical damage. It is about getting to know the individual and creating a bespoke plan, designed to your dog, not a disease.
Why not book a free initial consultation to find out how we can help your dog?
We also offer energetic therapies, such as crystal healing and reiki to support a dog’s energetic body. Having a strong vital life-force helps to speed healing and reduce susceptibility to dis-ease; it is a versatile, gentle and nourishing therapy, particularly good for emotional problems. Natural healing is a medicine of the people with information handed down generation after generation which science is beginning to unravel. Please visit our sister site www.leafretreat.com for more information. And, while you are there you might like to look at the courses and workshops we offer on canine nutrition. We welcome all enquires and we are very friendly and helpful, so do get in touch.
If you are just wishing to dip your paw, why not join Naturopathic Canine Health Group (click the little puggy, Emeralda on the top left) and become inspired by Nutritional Healing and Naturopathy